Lodash is outdated, try Radash!

5 min readApr 9, 2024

• Do you know Radash?
• Will Radash replace Lodash?

I believe everyone is familiar with Lodash, a JavaScript utility library that has been around for 12 years since 2012. It has over 58.6k stars on GitHub and is downloaded over 52 million times weekly on npm.

Initially, Lodash worked well, helping developers write concise and maintainable JavaScript code. However, in the last two years, without significant updates for the latest JavaScript functions, developers using Lodash began to face some challenges. In this context, Radash emerged with its modern features and friendly support for TypeScript, gradually becoming the new favorite among developers.

In this article, I will discuss the issues with Lodash and how Radash addresses them, answering the question: Will Radash replace Lodash?

As JavaScript evolves and introduces new features, some functionalities of Lodash become unnecessary.

Outdated Lodash Functions
With the introduction of ES6 and subsequent versions, JavaScript brought many new language features such as optional chaining (?.) and nullish coalescing (??), making some Lodash functions redundant.

Before ES6, if you wanted to safely access nested properties of an object, you could use Lodash’s _.get function to avoid possible undefined errors. For example:

// Suppose we have an object, and we want to access the `a.b.c` property.
const obj = {…

